We need you,
because they need us!
Our Needs
The Pregnancy Care Centre & Infant Food Bank operates solely through community donations. We receive no government funding.
We serve over 300-500 low-income families with children under the age of three in Greater Sudbury. These small children within our community do not have the necessities they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives and cannot help themselves.
Will you partner with us to make sure the most vulnerable members of our community are cared for?
Physical donations allow us to provide the necessities such as food, diapers and clothing to our families. Without the generosity of the community, we would not be able to do what we do.
We accept the following donations:
Food: Infant Formula, Baby Cereal, Pouches/Purees, Baby Snacks.
Clothing: New and Used Clothing Sizes Newborn to 5T, Womens and Maternity Clothing.
Baby Items: New and Used - Toys, Books, Baby Accessories (car seats, high chairs, strollers, bottles, safety items, soaps/shampoos, etc).
For a complete list, visit our Donation Guide
DONATIONS may be dropped off Monday to Thursday between 10:00am and 3:00pm
Currently, we are most in need of:
- Gently Used Snowsuits – Size newborn to 5T.
- Infant Equipment including: high chairs, exersaucers and baby gates.
- Car Seats that have NOT expired.
- Size 2, 4 and 6 diapers.
- Stage 1 Formula – Powder and Liquid (Enfamil A+, Good Start).
- Gerber Cereal (especially 8 & 12 months).
- Meal pouches (with protein).
- Mixed fruit/veggie pouches.
- GoGo Squeeze & Applesnax pouches.
- Baby Snacks (Eg: Gerber Puffs).

***IMPORTANT – Please Note***
Please DO NOT leave donations, especially perishable donations, such as baby food and formula outside. FROZEN FOODS CANNOT BE USED AND WILL BE DISCARDED.
Hand-knitted and crocheted blankets are greatly appreciated. However, patterns must not allow for infants’ fingers to be caught in the blankets for safety reasons. Please select patterns accordingly.
We do not have laundry facilities at the centre, therefore, we ask that all donations (clothing, blankets etc) are washed and cleaned before they are dropped off.
Monetary donations allow us to cover our operating expenses so the doors stay open and the lights stay on. They also allow us to purchase specific items (to fill the gaps) on a month-by-month basis as we respond to the needs of our families. Please give generously. Donations can be made in person, by mail, or online.
In Person – We are open to receive donations in person Monday to Thursday from 10:00am to 3:00pm. We are located at 1032 Lasalle Blvd. in Sudbury, ON.
By Mail – Cheques can be mailed to: P.O. Box 2023, Stn A, Sudbury ON, P3A 4R8
Online – Donations may be made online through Canada Helps.
Partnering with us on a monthly basis takes the guesswork out of giving and provides us with continual support, especially during drier seasons.
Set up your monthly donation today!
Many individuals and groups enjoy hosting fundraisers on our behalf throughout the year, from children’s birthday parties to corporate dress-down days to food drives. We deeply appreciate the generosity and work done on our behalf, and are always humbled by the giving spirit of our community. If you are hosting a fundraiser for which you require our charitable registration number or any other information, please contact our Assistant Manager.
The Pregnancy Care Centre & Infant Food Bank also hosts 3 Fundraising Events: In Motion for Infants Walk-a-Thon, the Diaper Drive-By in collaboration with Pure Country 91.7 and the All We Need For Christmas Fill-a-Crib/Car Seat campaign in collaboration with Petryna. For more information on these 3 fundraisers, please visit our fundraising page.
Volunteers are the life of the Centre. We are continually in need of compassionate, kind-hearted, non-judgemental volunteers who can help during daytime hours on a weekly basis in several areas such as serving clients, teaching parenting classes, and processing donations. It’s time to get involved! Contact our Director to fill out an application form.